It is a white box o-nothing. All I have in it is my parents Dining Room table that they gifted us after redecorating their house. I love the dining room table, partially because it was the dining room table that we grew up with. I feel as though updating the chairs would be a great way of updating this set. What about the rest of the room? I'd love a dining room that felt like this...
Not a fan of the chandelier, but the detailing on the wall, the colours for the room all stand out. I feel as though adding some wall detail like that in the photo above would make this room pop. So, here is what I think we'd need to do in order to complete this room. (1) Change wall colour (2) Add detailing to the wall like in the inspirational photo (3) New Chandelier and (4) New Chairs. Not sure if we will do this as come spring time I'll likely get back on my "new window" kick. But it's fun to dream!
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