Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I was featured & the table that killed my new sander

I was featured! If you missed the original post, you can see it here.

The DIY Show Off

Here's the other farmhouse table I promised to show you (here's the first one). It started out as one of those ubiquitous blonde tables (shown after I started sanding):

When I first saw it at Savers, someone else was looking at it and they called it first! I was so sad. The top was already well worn and dinged, and I knew it would be perfect for a farmhouse table.

The next time I went back to Savers, it was still there, but with a "sold" tag on it! And the next...and the next! I finally asked how long they would hold a table. Apparently--only 24 hours. It had been far longer than that, so it came home with me.

Here's how it looked after:

The finish on this table was THICK. It took a ton of sanding to get down to bare wood. I had treated myself to a Skil Orbital sander only three weeks ago, but this table killed it. The worst part was that when it died, I wasn't even sure what happened. The sander would still rotate, but it didn't do the back-and-forth thing to prevent the sanding marks. That meant I got a TON of sanding marks all over my lovely bare wood.

I had to sand...and sand...and sand some more to even get close to getting rid of them. I never did get all the marks out, but hey, it's a distressed table! I beat the thing with a chain, so it didn't need to be too perfect.

The top got at least five coats of polyacrylic. It gives a great shine.

The lady who took it home has her eye on some chairs from Pier 1 to go with it...I think these ones. I think they will look great together!

Furniture Feature Fridays


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