Hello everyone,
Hope you all had a happy weekend and for us Canadians it is a long one as today is still a holiday.We had beautiful weather here but my heart goes out to our American friends who have had extreme weather conditions.
This old sea shell belonged to my aunt and I would like to know the story behind it but alas too late.
Aqua pitcher with white roses
I took these photos last week after my aqua daze tablescape and they were a lot less work and in the end I think I liked them better. There is something to be said for keeping it simple!
All thrift shop or yardsale dishes.
I hope you enjoyed some cool aqua!
Thank you for visiting,

Hope you all had a happy weekend and for us Canadians it is a long one as today is still a holiday.We had beautiful weather here but my heart goes out to our American friends who have had extreme weather conditions.
This old sea shell belonged to my aunt and I would like to know the story behind it but alas too late.
Aqua pitcher with white roses
I took these photos last week after my aqua daze tablescape and they were a lot less work and in the end I think I liked them better. There is something to be said for keeping it simple!
All thrift shop or yardsale dishes.
I hope you enjoyed some cool aqua!
Thank you for visiting,

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