Monday, July 23, 2012

simple pleasures in everyday French life

If you read my blog now and again, you'll have understood that for me the best pleasures in life are the simple ones.  I'm not big on bling bling.  To me the greatest luxuries are the simple moments.

Buying at the market in France is not about ticking off from a shopping list, it is a sensual and sensory experience.  The produce is displayed beautifully to seduce the client, and the vendors make full use of their natural charms.

It was my husband who taught me how to shop at market.  Simple rules that work well.     Never go with a list,but to  be inspired by what is on offer;  walk around the market once before buying, remembering where are the ripest peaches, the sweetest melons, the best fish and cheese and to take the time .... buying food is important work, never to be rushed!

It's like I said, taking pleasure in the simple things.

 I invariably return from market with food I had no intention of purchasing, simply because it looks and smells so wonderful and because the inspiration for meals comes once I see the food.

and if I buy too much? .... no matter, there are always baskets for sale!


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