Most of the times, the only time I can work on things (sewing and such) are at night after the kids are in bed. I try to do things during the day, but there is always something that needs my attention and I end up getting frustrated, so it's not worth it to even try.
Tonight, I came home from a church function around 8:50, tucked the kids in bed, straightened up the downstairs then I finally started working on my project. I was trying to design a quilt, and I was thinking about what to do and how many pieces to cut...
Then, this thought kept coming to me... I NEED CHOCOLATE... and the thought did not go away.
I scavenged through my pantry and decided to make chocolate muffins, but it didn't end there. When they came out of the oven, I heard another really seductive voice inside of my head..."Wouldn't it be taste better with freshly whipped cream and some drizzled chocolate and sliced strawberries?..."
So, I ended up with this in the end.
It was good, but what's bad is that I had two of them. Ahhhh...!
I must confess, because I stay up late all the time to work on things, I eat fourth meal at night. I know if I stop doing that I would probably lose the last 10 lbs. of my pregnancy weight (which I’ve carried around for so many years).
But, it was so yummy...
Ok, what have you been working on? Please share with everybody!
1. Please post something YOU made. It doesn't matter if it is crochet, quilt, clothing, anything would be fine. I want to see it! If you use someone's idea or patterns please give them the rightful credit.
2. Link to your specific post, that way it is easier for everybody to find and read it.
3. Please grab the "Tea Rose Home" grab button, and link back from your post. If you can mention the party in your post or place the button on your side bar, that would be great! I want more people to have a chance to come and show off their creation.

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