I can't believe this is the last weekend of summer vacation. In the beginning, I was thinking that I have a LOOOOONG summer ahead of me, but it actually flew by so fast! I wanted to teach my kids so many more things (cooking/crafting) during the summer, but I think I actually did about the half of the things I had in mind.
We didn't go on a big vacation or anything, but we did a lot, and had a blast!
This may sound a bit crazy, but I think I will miss having them with me all the time. Really, I mean it. :)
Are you ready for the link love?
A while ago, I made a necklace with crochet beads, and some of you asked me if I made the beads. I used the crochet beads from a craft store, so I wasn't able to share a tutorial... now you are in luck! Little Treasures made these cute crochet beads and shows you how on her blog. Aren't they so fun?
I just LOVE this idea! I can't Stop Crafting created these cards with her children's pictures. What a fun way to preserve memories, I bet they will enjoy them for years to come.

I always wished that Wal-Mart and Target would sell more stylish kids bikes at an affordable price (there are stylish bikes you can find on the web, but they are a LOT more expensive!). DIY Kinda Girl took a garage sale find pink bike and turned in to an orange/aqua blue bike. I LOVE the color combination!

The one thing you might not know about me is...I choose "Lemony" dessert over "Chocolaty" dessert. If there is an option where I can have both, of course I do that... :) but, if I have to choose one, Lemony is 99% of my choice. The Ivy Cottage Blog shared this Lemon Cake recipe, and it looks soo good. I feel like I can almost smell the lemon scent coming out from the oven.
First of all, I want to applause Happy Looks Good on You; she bravely painting a piano! I would be so afraid to make mistakes and damage the piano. Not only did she paint the piano, she did such a fabulous job! It looks amazing!
Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with us every week! By the way, I have so much going on, so I decided to take a break from the link party next week. I will have the usual posts and more (what? Did someone hear GIVEAWAY?). I will see you at my next post!
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