Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nick Swisher: Great Ballplayer, Even Better Person

Among the thousands of professional athletes throughout the world, there are so many out there that have to bicker over the very last dollar on their contract.  So many other players are out setting terrible examples by mouthing off to management and fans, getting arrested, and just plain looking like self-entitled jerks.  Do not count Nick Swisher among them.  Out of the countless half hearted interviews that I've seen athletes give to reporters, Swish is just as enthusiastic about giving them as he was when he first came up to the big leagues with Oakland.  He is the blueprint of what professional athletes should be.

When do you ever see Nick Swisher not smiling?  He just comes off as the happiest person in the world.  He is getting paid a fortune (compared to your average joe) to play a kid's game & the way he acts, he knows he is a truly lucky guy.  He is adored by New York City due to his all-out hustle, on-field production, but even more importantly, his off of the field production.  Contrary to what sports fans think, it is more important to be a good person as opposed to a great ball player in life.  Fortunately for us Yankees fans, we get to have both when it comes to Swisher.  He touches the lives of sick children with his charity known as "Swish's Wishes" and also helps out with Barry Zito's "Strikeouts for Troops."  Not only is this completely admirable, he even put himself out there by recording an album titled "Believe" to benefit "Swish's Wishes."  How many athletes would do that?  Not too many (if any), I'd imagine.

I cannot harp on this enough for those that don't get the pleasure of seeing Swish on a regular basis, he just gets it.  That's pretty much all that you can say.  Personally, I've never had the pleasure of meeting the guy.  But every person that I've read about that has, and the few that I know, all say the same thing about him.  They all say that he is the most down-to-earth person they've ever met.  He may be a millionaire adored by a ton of people, he doesn't act like it though.  He deserves all of the accolades that comes his way, and this is coming from a person that is usually disgusted by the salaries of professional athletes.

I am proud of Nick Swisher & I am even more proud that he is a New York Yankee.  Let's hope that we see him in Pinstripes for years to come.  If that isn't in the cards though, I will still be proud because I can say that I had the pleasure of watching a great ball player & an even better person for four years.

Twitter: @trevwolff


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