Monday, November 8, 2010

{ Bedroom }

otherwise known as the
"thank God it's not the dining room again" post
Our bedroom is very close to being finished, 
so I thought I post a little sneak peak...

the walls already had a chair rail when we moved in.  It's not my fav in a bedroom, but,for lack of energy and just plain sheer laziness, I kept it.
The top is a pale gray, which looks like a creamy tan if you look at it in any other room.

{I don't know what's with the industrial strength bathroom door knob, we'll come to that bridge when we cross it }

and just so ya' know..
I don't love those yellow circle disc hangers.
Not once, not twice, but on 3 different occasions my plates have come crashing down from the wall.
The first time it was really humid out, so , I chalked it up to the humidity causing the disc to peel away from the plate.
I don't know what's the story with the other 2 times, but not a fan. But, laziness again, you can see I'm still using them.
{these are the only 3 plates that survived the great mantel smash up of 2010}


chippy window mirror

wall art

and, the whole sha-bang waiting to be pulled together.

Okay, that's all for now.
I haven't even made the bed yet.
more later...


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