Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Birthday Party & Giant Cookie Cake

We had a birthday party for our oldest child today... I can't believe he is already 10 years old, two digits! It is a big deal, and I was all for baking a special cake for him.

Then, he said, "I want a giant chocolate chip cookie for my birthday instead of a cake".

OK then.

There is something you don't know... in our household, Mr. Tea Rose Home bakes the best chocolate chip cookies EVER. He usually doesn't cook, but there are a couple of things he can make well and one of them is chocolate chip cookies.

And, he did it. He baked a yummy, gigantic chocolate chip cookie last night and it was a big hit!

There were nine kids running around our house (there was only one girl, yup, you guessed it, it was Rachel...) during the party. We all had a great time!

I hope someday he will look back on this day and say, "Oh, I remember the big cookie dad made for me...". Working hard all day and then came home to bake a cookie takes effort, our kids are so blessed to have a daddy who cares and loves them. A day like today makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


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