Hi, It's Kristie. Some of you who have been to Painted Home events might already know me, but, if you haven't, let me introduce myself. I'm the Ambassador of Style here at The Painted Home. Haha, or in other words, I help Denise with all kinds of stuff. Recently, Denise showed me how to write a blog post, so ta-da, here i am writing my very first blog post.
You'll see me here and there, on Facebook, on the blog, and at lot's of events with Denise.
My breakfast room was feeling kind of...blah. It's attached to my kitchen so I wanted to keep the colors in the same pallet but lately it was just feeling boring. I needed some color in this room.
This is how it looked before. The table was in bad shape, the rug was stained and too small, and I didn't love the way the room was arranged.
I bought some Annie Sloan Chalk paint in Antibes Green, Old White and Duck Egg Blue (not shown).
I first painted the entire table in the Duck Egg Blue.
I painted the top of the table Antibes Green and the bottom half the Old White.
I added some hooks (from Anthropologie) to the bottom of a windowsill.
These chippy chairs are the perfect shade of blue and I found them in my neighbors garbage. I added a new rug in a better size for the room.
It's still a work in progress but I'm happy with the pops of color!
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