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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Before + After: Basement Bathroom
You've seen bits and pieces of it coming together. But since the inspector just signed off on it (I know it took us awhile...only because it took us awhile to remember to call him!) it seems fitting to do the reveal. We did everything ourselves, except for the plumbing + drywall. Sources are listed at the bottom of this post. This is what we started with as we rebuilt the bathroom. This photo is actually a few steps into the process, having replaced the plumbing under the house, new concrete floor, new walls, insulating etc. etc. But it's a starting off point...
We created a DIY pivoting mirror after falling for one at Pottery Barn, but not falling for the price. (See this post on how we did it)
Since the bathroom is in my workspace (the basement is my studio/office) it seemed fitting to offset the formality of the finishes with some cheekyness. I created this art.
One of the neat elements is this pivoting toilet paper holder. Honestly people, this is the best invention. No springs flying everywhere!
And there you have it. Our basement bathroom. :) Amazing to see the progression of how it all came to be. (See all of the posts here) I'm kind of uber impressed at my husband. :) Next up...Master Bath! ;) (Kidding...kind of)
Source Guide for the Basement Bathroom
Big Deal Art Print: My shop.
London Gaurd Art: DIY, See post on how to do it here
Mini Cooper replica Car: Mini Downtown
Vanity: Kohler Memoirs
Faucet: Delta Dryden Set
Toilet: Kohler Memoirs
Tiles: The Tile Store
Shower Head + Toe Kick Set: Moen from Home Depot
Window Tint: Peel & Stick frosting via Home Depot
Moen Pivoting Toilet Paper Holder: Home Depot
Wall Colour: Paper White by Benjamin Moore OC-55
Pocket Door: Similar ones are available at Home Depot.
And this is what we created.....
One major choice was the pocket door. I highly recommend this, as it is the best thing for a small space. The other major element is the stand up shower. I love, love the shower. Eventually we'll put in a glass wall but it's not an issue right now, and not much water spray happens. The shower set it Moen, and I adore having the toe kick. (See this post on the shower) For those unaware of the toe kick, it means I can test the water temperature with my foot, prior to getting sprayed.
We created a DIY pivoting mirror after falling for one at Pottery Barn, but not falling for the price. (See this post on how we did it)
One of the neat elements is this pivoting toilet paper holder. Honestly people, this is the best invention. No springs flying everywhere!
And there you have it. Our basement bathroom. :) Amazing to see the progression of how it all came to be. (See all of the posts here) I'm kind of uber impressed at my husband. :) Next up...Master Bath! ;) (Kidding...kind of)
Source Guide for the Basement Bathroom
Big Deal Art Print: My shop.
London Gaurd Art: DIY, See post on how to do it here
Mini Cooper replica Car: Mini Downtown
Vanity: Kohler Memoirs
Faucet: Delta Dryden Set
Toilet: Kohler Memoirs
Tiles: The Tile Store
Shower Head + Toe Kick Set: Moen from Home Depot
Window Tint: Peel & Stick frosting via Home Depot
Moen Pivoting Toilet Paper Holder: Home Depot
Wall Colour: Paper White by Benjamin Moore OC-55
Pocket Door: Similar ones are available at Home Depot.
New Cottage Cupboard!
Hello Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend and are ready for a whole new month! I would like to be able to slow time down a bit as summer is going by too fast for me.
A few weeks ago my husband built me a new corner cupboard in our little garden cottage mostly from scraps of wood that we already had.The top of the cupboard I had bought awhile ago and it adds a little decorative detail. We plan to add a door with chicken wire to it someday.Now, if you visit me often you know that I love china and often pick up pieces at yard sales or thrift shops so it is great to have another place to display them.
Cheap but pretty!
these are some of my favorites.
While you are here take a peek around the rest of the cottage.
Cottage at Christmas one year.
Last years Christmas Cottage.
Here you can see the corner before the cupboard was built.
I forgot to show you the pink version-if you are interested click here.
The outside of the garden cottage for those who have not seen it before.
Well,now you have seen not only my new cupboard but I have dragged you around the cottage again!Today,I am joining Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday and also the house in the roses for show off your Cottage Monday.
Thank you for visiting me,
mon potager
Mon potager - my vegetable garden - is a reflection of our life here. Fairly simple, nothing showy, often a bit untidy and rambling round the edges.... relaxed. We have four squares, each measuring about 3 metres or 12' square. That size is easier to maintain and looks rather pretty. Looks are important when it comes to the potager, that is why flowers are allowed to self seed, rhubarb is left to flower and little boys like to plant in straight lines.
The potager is in the corner of the garden, edged on two sides by the garden wall, and on two sides by a picket fence that I made from scrap wood. I had a brief and uncharacteristic moment of genius when making the fence, and created each section to be lifted off for mowing the lawn. ... pause for maximum effect, my good ideas are so rare, I have to make the most of them ...!!
Our bean frames are home made, and restrung each year with the string that come off the horse's bales of hay. The heaviest task is each spring, when we trundle in wheelbarrow fulls of compost to feed the ground.
One square has a little apple tree and our herbs, the other three rotate each year and we grow tomatoes, beans, courgettes, sometimes red peppers, parsnips, rocket .... Nothing exotic, just the stuff you really want to have an unending supply of close to hand. In the stone wall corner is bordered by raspberries and pumpkins for ground cover. Poppies self seed themselves and we leave them in situ because they are too pretty to pull up. Same for the fennel, whose stalks are great with fish and whose lime yellow flowers are useful in bouquets.
How about you, do you have a potager, pots on a balcony with tomatoes and herbs, or a full size walled garden that could feed an army?!
A Stroll Through Town
Hello Everyone,
I can't believe that July is over already and summer is half gone. We have had a lot of cooler damp days, so unless August, and early September is hot, it has been a short summer. However, as a gardener I won't complain because everything has done so well and the blooms have lasted longer too. I haven't had to water even the windowboxes and planters much this year. So, like they say behind every cloud there is a silver lining!
Anyway, today I thought you might enjoy a stroll through town-Charlottetown that is which is our Capital city here on Prince Edward Island-it boasts a population of 33,000 Not big by most standards but that is part of the charm.
Any of these photos are in walking distance of each other and make for a pleasant stroll. Every year we have thousands of visitors that come to the Charlottetown Harbor by cruiseship so this is some of the sights they could walk by and a lot more that I haven't shared yet.
You can sit for awhile and enjoy the sights and the sounds of the evening. when I was here there was a small band playing just below by the restaurants that are in the above photo.
We have lots of beautiful churches and many are open for tours.
Look up!
Great George Street
Beautiful Architecture.
You can tour the gardens at Fanningbank at any time-aren't they beautiful?
You might enjoy watching the sailboats go by in the harbor.
Linda! -is that you walking down the street -not yet but soon. Have I mentioned that my blogging friend Linda(Beautiful Ideas blog) from NFLD is coming to visit our fair Isle this week and she is coming to visit me! I am really looking forward to it.
There are lots of beautiful homes to see!
Some summer shops down at the harbor for you o snoop around in.
A lovely park down by the harbor. There is a nice boardwalk around the waterfront that many Islanders enjoy as well as visitors.
The beautiful old stone church where my husband and I got married.
And now that the sun is starting to set at the end of the boardwalk our little stroll is coming to an end.Thank you for coming along!