Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Black Coffee

Can you stand another French typography coffee table makeover? I hope so, because I’m not tired of them yet! I call this one “Black Coffee!”

Here’s how it started out. It was a good Basset coffee table, with two drawers. I loved the plank-style wood top.

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I chose to only sand the center section of the top down to bare wood. The plan was to paint the base and the “frame” of the top. Then I chose my graphic and got painting! You can see that I didn’t worry about bits and pieces of the old stain being left behind. I think it adds to the character of the finished piece.

French ad from The Graphics Fairy.

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After the lettering was painted and distressed, I stained the top with Minwax Antique Walnut, and painted the rest of the coffee table black (get it??), using Behr Ultra paint.

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I kept the original hardware, including the decorative metal scrolls in the corners.

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I like how the top looks like it was framed!

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And of course I had to play with a couple of accessories…

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So there you have it! If you want more information on how I create my tables, be sure to check out the French Chocolate table, Café table, French Twist, and the Postcard table!

This project has been featured at West Furniture Revival and Perfectly Imperfect.


Linking up here!


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